Please use the one of the following text to acknowledge UKSRC in publications.
Supported by UKSRC
We acknowledge support from the UK SKA Regional Centre (UKSRC). The UKSRC is a collaboration between the University of Cambridge, University of Edinburgh, Durham University, University of Hertfordshire, University of Manchester, University College London, and the UKRI Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Scientific Computing at RAL. The UKSRC is supported by funding from the UKRI STFC (optional: GRANT CODES).
Use of UKSRC Facilities and Support
This work has been enabled by access to facilities and the scientific and technical support provided by the UK SKA Regional Centre (UKSRC). The UKSRC is a collaboration between the University of Cambridge, University of Edinburgh, Durham University, University of Hertfordshire, University of Manchester, University College London, and the UKRI STFC Scientific Computing (STFC) at RAL. The UKSRC is supported by funding from the UKRI STFC (optional: GRANT CODES).