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We are looking forward to attending NAM2023 in Cardiff. Don’t miss this opportunity to find out more at the following sessions:

  • 3 - 7 July: come and have a chat in the exhibitor space with members of UKSRC, SKAO, ALMA, LOFAR, and eMERLIN facilities
  • 3 July (9:00 - 10:30): e-MERLIN and SKA pathfinders: preparing UK early-career researchers for science with the SKA.
    It will give ECRs an opportunity to present their research, either with e-MERLIN or other SKA pathfinder instruments, or in the development of technology related to the SKA. This session will highlight the planned development of e-MERLIN in preparation for the SKA and provide a discussion platform for ECRs to develop ideas for the SKA while using the e-MERLIN pathfinder. It will also act as a networking opportunity to discuss ideas and prepare for future collaborations on SKA-related research. This session is supported by the e-MERLIN operations team and the UK SKA Science Committee.
  • 6 July (11:00 - 12:30) Discovery in Astronomy and Space Physics enabled by large-scale Digital Research Infrastructures This session will update the community on developments in IRIS and its partner infrastructure providers (e.g. DiRAC), highlighting the emerging scientific exploitation and data science opportunities opened up by access to massive scale computational resources. This includes reference to latest development roadmaps for DRIs from the UKRI and Astronet. Presentations will include examples of IRIS supporting gravitational wave analysis, large radio surveys (e.g. SKA), large scale theoretical computational modelling, large optical imaging (e.g. Vera Rubin Observatory) and spectroscopic surveys (e.g. 4MOST).

