Please use the following text to acknowledge UKSRC in publications.

Use of UKSRC Digital Research Infrastucture Facilities

This research has used the UK SKA Regional Centre facility, it was performed using the Cambridge Cloud, part of which is operated by the University of Cambridge Research Computing. It was funded by IRIS ( capital funding via STFC capital grants XXXX-RSAP ad DA-CLOUD.

This research has used the UK SKA Regional Centre facility, it was performed using the XXXXX facility, part of which is operated by the University of Manchester on behalf of the STFC UK SKA Regional Centre (UKSRC). It was funded by IRIS ( capital funding via STFC capital grants ST/W006944/1 [2022] and DA-ARCHIVE and the STFC UKSRC Project (2022-25) ST/X002578/1. RSAP

UK SKA Regional Centre Development Project

UK SKA Regional Centre Project (2022-25) acknowledges the funding support from the multi-institute STFC grants.